All is well here with us. We are counting down the days for the rainy season to end so we can enjoy island sunshine. It is a difficult time for our people as sickness is more frequent during bad weather. Thank you for praying for their health and safety as we battle typhoons this year. We are believing that no land slides will affect homes in our church community.
We wanted to share an exerpt from "My Utmost for His Highest" that was a challenge to us. Day to day life can be monotonous for everyone. Whether you live in America or the Philippines, the greatest joy among the monotony is the investment in the lives of others.
"God's purpose is not simply to make us beautiful plump grapes, but to make us grapes so that He may squeeze the sweetness out of us. When Mary of Bethany 'broke the flask of costly oil.....and poured it on Jesus' head' it was an act for which noone else saw any special occasion, in fact, "there were some who said..........why was this fragrant oil wasted?"( Mark 14:3-4). But Jesus commended Mary for her extravagant act of devotion. Our Lord is filled with overflowing joy whenever he sees any of us doing what Mary did- not being bound by a particular set of rules but being totally surrendered to him. God poured out the life of His Son "that the world through Him might be saved." Are we prepared to pour out our lives for Him?
Lord make us carriers of your extravagant love. Let us always be reminded that at the end of the day, what will matter most is not what we bought, what we did, or what we enjoyed...Its what we gave.
God bless you as you pour yourself out so that others can taste His goodness. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Paige and Kent