Last month, Kent and I celebrated two years as a part of His Heart ministry here in Baguio. It has been an amazing journey! We can see the finger of God on our lives and the countless lives of the people being reached.
God has brought the ministry so far. Through your prayer and giving, you have been the hands and feet of Jesus.
We began helping Angela with a simple feeding program for street children in July 2008. Now His Heart is seeing people fed and watching salvations, miracles, and healings change the lives of hundreds of Filipinos. We are so grateful to be a part of God's great plan.
To give you a big picture of what we are doing here in Baguio, we wanted to briefly describe some of our current ministries. We pray this will encourage and bless you, knowing that you are investing in eternity.
His Heart offers a weekly kids church program in the public school. More than 60 children attend, hearing the Word of God and growing in Him.
The Reading club, a new initiative, offers poor children an opportunity once a week to read for fun, learn, and grow in their English skills. This outreach is helping us make contact with new families and children.
By God's grace and because of many of you, we are sponsoring 56 children to school this year. They receive all expenses paid for schooling, medical stipends, supplies, and spiritual enrichment.
Feeding and Compassion
We are now feeding over 75 children in two schools on a DAILY basis. These little ones are eating a nutritious lunch and being loved. This program is an open door for us to build relationships with families.
We are also able to help many people receive medical care, prescriptions, and dental abstractions. Jesus is using these gifts to change people's lives.
Street Ministry
We continue to minister to street children and vendors in the City park twice a week. The people are now bringing their Bibles to our meetings and are hungry for God's Word. We feed them not only spiritual food, but a hot meal as well. With lives of turmoil and change, the ministry is giving them stability and hope.
Youth group meets every Friday night. Teens gather to worship, pray, learn, and fellowship with each other. Church leaders and godly men and women are rising up from this group. We believe they will change communities as adults.
Homework club, a weekly program for teens, is designed to give youth a quiet place to study, do online research for free, hear God's Word, and eat a meal together. Youth invite their friends from school.
House Churches
Using local leaders we disciple and train on a weekly basis, His Heart is now meeting in house churches every Sunday morning. These are beautiful gatherings of new Christians who always have testimonies to share of God's goodness. People are becoming rooted and gaining freedom in many areas of their life.
In addition to our work with the ministry, Kent is studying full time. He is taking Hebrew, Perspectives in World Missions, Systematic Theology, and the Life of Christ. We are so grateful for the APTS community and the experience we have learning from so many cultures. When God said go, we went................and we will never regret it.
"Send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. Sever any tie, but the ties that bind me to your service and to your heart." David Livingstone
May God use you this week to be a light in your own community.
God Bless you,
Paige and Kent