Enjoying Christmas dinner Filipino style- Fried chicken, rice, noodles, and lumpia
“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:23
We just love Christmas time. Though we miss family and friends in the US this year, this Christmas has been a beautiful reminder of what a miraculous gift we have in Jesus. The fact that God became a helpless baby for an unfaithful world is truly miraculous. What a promise we have that God is with us! What a love we have! What a gift!
The Father's love was tangible this year as we celebrated Jesus' birth with over 600 people at the His Heart Christmas parties. Street children, park vendors, and families from the squatter area where we minister gathered together for caroling, food, and gifts. The children were ecstatic with excitement as this is the only gift most of them received this Christmas.
We have been so blessed. What a joy it was to pass on that blessing to people Jesus came to die for. There is nothing better than giving...........
Thank you for equipping us to live out His call. You make it all possible. May the Lord heap rich blessing on you in 2011.
Your partners in the Philippines,
Paige and Kent Parrish