Hello everyone. Hope you had a beautiful Labor Day weeekend. We've survived finals....just took the last one today! I haven't been this tired in a long time....but I could tell you anything you ever wanted to know about the book of 1st Corinthians. :) Kent has learned tons about creative and effective preaching as well.
Life in Baguio is as usual....high 70's and rain in the afternoon..though it is slacking off a little. We start back with class on Sept. 15th. We continue to help with Angela and His Heart ministry. You'll see a picture of her with one of the little ones above. I can't tell you how blessed we are to work with such special people! I feel like I am doing what I was created to do- loving the broken. The families here teach us so much.
I helped with a kids retreat last Monday sponsored by His Heart. The day was filled with food, games, worship, and teaching. Several of the children received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. What an awesome event! Next trimester, I'll be going to school part time at APTS, so I'll have more time for the ministry. Kent on the other hand is thinking about taking 12 hours next trimester. This is a very heavy load, considering a trimester is only 12 weeks. The workload is the same as that of a semester. What an honor it is to pour into people's lives....
In other news, we are becoming better acquainted with lizards and big cockroaches. They seem to be wandering around our apartment more these days. Kent chased one down this morning. They're fast! :)
Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Can't wait to be back to visit in Dec. and tell you all the things God is doing!
For those who have not been to the ministry site yet, go to hisheart.org.nz (Angela and her daughter Yasmin are incredible women of God. We thank God for sending us here.)
Paige and Kent
congratulations on surviving finals!!
What beautiful smiles. Glad to see you are having a break and loving the work and ministry. Melissa
Text me. I live in Tuding. I am an American. Would like to talk with you about your mission work.
Hey, Paige and Kent. I heard from my friends in Baguio Gold that Paige visited Baguio Gold Elementary School yesterday. If you'd like to talk about ministry here, e-mail me.
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