Warm Filipino greetings from the Parrish's. Just thought we'd fill you on some recent happenings.
Last Saturday, we had the INCREDIBLE opportunity to go on a one day medical mission to a town south of Baguio. The team of about 20 provided medical, dental care, medicine, and counseling to about 150 people. The day was organized as a church planting effort in conjunction with a local church there . We left about 5:30 am and rode the jeepney 2 1/2 hours to Santa Barbara, Pangasinan. The people were already waiting for us.
We were quickly put to work. Kent spent most of the day at the registration table, taking the blood pressure of patients. He was truly a natural. I had the very exciting job of cleaning the dental instruments. The dentists would use dental pliers and literally pulled close to 50 teeth that day. I scrubbed the bloody tools and got them sterilized for the next patient. It was such a funny job for me as I DO NOT like the dentist....... I just kept telling myself....... "At least they get novacaine shots". Never hurts to be stretched.........and I was that day. Believe me.
His Heart Ministry, our outreach in Baguio, is going strong. The Holy Spirit is moving and we are so blessed to be here.
Thank you for your prayers. We have not been sick one day since we returned. We know its because of faithful intercessors.
One last story: We just want to thank you for your support. Because of you, we were able to fund an outreach project to the Bagobo tribe in southern Mindanao. This area is very strong Muslim territory and located in the far south region of the Philippines. A Filipino friend from APTS has a great artistic gift and was able to make an evangelistic video and visit homes in the region, distributing food and the dvd.
Your giving funded the production costs and copies of the dvd for 200 families.
As we visited with you in the States in mid Dec, the team rode motorbikes into the Mindanao mountains, carrying the message of hope and freedom in Jesus. Please pray with us that the seeds planted through this effort will take root in the lives of the people.....that they will encounter the living Jesus.
Pagpalain ka (God Bless you)
Kent and Paige
Hi Dear Ones, who would have thought you would be medical missionaries??? Boy you look so professional. What a great day for you two. And what a blessing for us to see. We are so happy to hear that you are well and happy. We will certainly continue to pray and thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to those precious people.
Jim and Barb
Hey you two,
It sounds like you had an exciting day. God is truly at work in your hands. Love always
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