Hi to all. Things are picking up here as Kent has returned to school. He is taking the Book of Romans, Perspectives in Pentecostalism, and Spiritual Formation. It is a full schedule but he is of course excelling in it. Mean while, he continues to minister on the weekends and heads up the Tuesday morning street church program. It is there that we feed and minister to street children, vendors, and the homeless in the city park. We are planting seeds of love and seeing fruit from this time.
God is doing so much here. We wanted to give you a glimpse of the testimonies pouring in from our people. Keep in mind that these people are squatters (they collect scrap metal to build their houses and move onto land) and always face serious financial need. Most of them have no work or do odd jobs on a part time basis, bringing in 3 dollars a day. Its amazing to see how rich they are becoming spiritually and how the Potter can take brokeness and use it to display His glory.
Here are some testimonies shared in house church a couple weeks ago:
Chato said that this week a lady came to her house.
She was sick and the husband was not home. She
wanted someone to take her to the hospital.
Chato was busy doing things around the house
and was really tired at the end of the day.
God spoke to her in her mind "Whatever you
do for the least of mine, you do for me".
She obeyed God and payed for the jeepney
fair to accompany the lady to BGH. As she was
in the jeepney, she was thinking " I don't
even know this lady." The lady then said
she had not eaten for two days and asked for
50 pesos. Chato said she had compassion in
her heart and gave her the money. She stayed
with her until she was checked into the
hospital and prayed with the lady. Chato
is learning to listen to God and obey
him and that He calls us to help others
in their time of need.
Jazel was beaming as she shared how she
had been touched powerfully by the Holy
Spirit on Sunday. She explained that
she had pain in her legs and back before
she was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Since that day, she has had no pain.
She was able to squat to wash clothes
this week without pain. She also
testified that her husband is having
an affair but she is now praying for him.
She believes Jesus is hearing her prayer
as her husband came home on time every
day this week.
Irene- I am hearing God speak to me about
going to pray for sick people. Sometimes
i am afraid people will laugh at me and
have doubts but I believe God is speaking
to me and has given me this gift to pray
and see people healed. Jesus loves us.
Irene has prayed for several people and God has
miraculously healed them. :)
Helen- Helen said that when she
realized she could not afford to go
back to college this term, she didnt
know what to do. She was confused about
her future and disappointed. However,
over the past couple of months, the idea
of a call to ministry kept popping into her
mind. At first she laughed it off. But over
the last couple of weeks, God has begun to
give her visions. She is seeing herself
sharing the word of God with young people
and their lives being transformed. When
she ministers to the street boys, she feels
a deep love in her heart for them. She
believes that the Holy Spirit is guiding
her future and she wants to serve him with
her whole heart. "Sometime when I pray and
even in my dreams I saw myself doing
missions and with groups of people.
Sometimes I would just cry when I thought
about it."
Salome- Since I have begun coming to these
meetings, God has provided for my family.
Since I began in this church,there is
always work waiting for me. My husband's
job was supposed to last from Jan-March.
I prayed and asked the Lord to extend it
so that we could have more money for the
family. I asked God to keep the work
going until school started on June 1st.
Every week since March, my husband
has had work. Even now in the middle
of June, he continues to work. God
is blessing me so much.
Dalia- My daughter and son were sick
last week with a fever at times of 40 C.
I prayed for them and trusted God. I did
not go to the hospital because of money.
They are better now. I am learning that
God is our helper and our healer.
Thank you for investing in these lives and
countless others. You are an important part
of what they are becoming.
God Bless you all.Paige and Kent