Hello to all. Well, it has been a crazy summer. It seems like we haven't stopped since the beginning of April. Time flies when you are having fun loving people.
In the last month, we have seen so much fruit from our ministry here. The youth have been on summer vacation and are changing from the inside out. With the wonderful help of Amy, a short term missionary from Bardstown, we hosted a teenage girls retreat. The girls learned so much and it was an absolute treat for them to have comfortable mattresses and hot showers. By God's grace, we are able to sponsor 28 children to school this year......that's exactly double last year and the very number we prayed for. :) God is so good. From this money, they will receive supplies, shoes, uniform, tuition, medical expenses, project fees, food incentives, rewards for grades, and spiritual enrichment. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all who gave so generously.
Other Special Highlights in April and May include:
We took the teenagers bowling one night. They were so excited. It was the first time for most of them. They didn't want to go home.
We just finished our 8 week School of Champions discipleship program for the adults. They continue to pray for the sick and see miracles happen. Several have been healed in the last month or so. We are so in awe of Jesus and how much He loves them.
The Lord continues to move in our weekly activities in the homes and with the street children. The people are growing. Its hard to believe how far they have come in less than a year.
We trekked into the mountains this weekend for a visit to the Igorot tribes. Kent preached twice and we had a wonderful time immersed in the mountain culture. Highlights included hiking three hours each way in the rain to get to the village, crossing 3 hanging bridges, and being served dog meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was an experience we will never forget.
Thank you for sending us. You are making a difference. We love you.
In Service to the King,
Paige and Kent
wow. I would not have made it over those bridges- the pictures alone are making me nervous! :) What a beautiful view of God's creation though! :)
Happy Anniversary!
We have been so blessed by all of the pictures and updates. Amy came home very excited and has shared some of her expierences with us. Keep up the good work. Our prayers are with you.
God bless you,
Scott,Missy,Andrew,and Zach Bartley
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