We want to begin by sharing a dream one of our church members had last week. It was a great encouragement and revelation for us all. She saw a lush mango tree. The fruit was ripe and juicy. Gathered around the tree were large crowds of hungry people. As each mango was picked from the tree and given away, it became bread that rapidly multiplied. A great miracle happened. There was more than enough bread to feed the families.
Its with great joy that we commissioned 6 ladies this week to serve as house church leaders and spiritual parents in Purok 5. These beautiful women will nurture and care for their people as numbers multiply and others from the community are reached with the good news. They will facilitate Bible studies and house church gatherings in their native tongue. They will be vessels for the glory of the Father. They will be and carry the Bread of Life to their village.
The journey has not been easy for any of them. Two of the ladies have lost husbands to murder.
They have struggled with poverty, addiction, and demonic strongholds. They face persecution from family members and others. But Jesus has captured their hearts and by his amazing grace..... they will never be the same.
The Lord has taken each one of their broken lives and made them a powerhouse for His presence. They are laying hands on the sick, praying with power, and loving neighbors they never knew before. This is our heart................and this is the heart of the Father, to see nations transformed and bow their knee.
Its times like these that we thank God for sending us here. It has been a life changing experience. We have received far more than we could ever give and look forward to all God has ahead for us. His plans are always good, always fruitful, and always full of hope.
Thank you for being a part of our journey and the Lord's purpose. We pray blessing and strength for you and your family. May fruit abound in your life as you invest in your own community.
See you on that side of the world in December. :)
Paige and Kent