Well, it is a time of great promise and excitement here. After months of searching, His Heart has signed a contract for the rental of building right in our ministry area. It will serve as a training center for Filipino leaders who will plant new house churches, a place for tutoring, youth events, retreats, discipleship, accommodation for short term teams, showers for the street kids, feeding, and much more. We are stepping into a new phase of the ministry. The people are maturing and will be taking on more leadership. They are on fire to reach their community. We are believing for great things!
I can't help but marvel at what the Lord has done in such a short time. We worshipped together on the floor in a tiny tin house this morning. The ladies shared temptations openly and prayed for each other. It was a precious time.
Helen, the young woman that many of you have prayed for since our visit in December, is blossoming in a calling. She is now part of the leadership team here. She interprets, teaches, and loves the people with us. Jesus has changed her life! He is in the business of taking wild lives and turning them upside down for Him. I am in tears when I think about the potential in her.
Kent is studying for his last exam as I write this. We are planning to make a short trip to the beach for a couple days next week. I'm ready to relax and soak up some Filipino sun. Classes begin again September 15th.
Thank you for your support and prayers. Your heart for the world is changing lives.
God's richest blessing on you and your family.
Kent and Paige
Thanks for the update. Pictures are wonderful! Wow, Jesus is really using you guys. We are so proud of you for touching people for Him. Keep up the good work!
Love and blessings,
Jim and Barb
Appreciate and love you guys...
Thanks for all you pour out for the beautiful people here. May God pour into you even more. :)
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