Hello all. Its a new year and God is up to new things here in Baguio. We are so excited to see what the Lord has planned for us and the people who will meet Him this year. Here are some brief highlights so far:
Angels among us
We are so in awe of what the Lord is doing in the teenagers. They are turning their lives over to God and have passionate worshipping hearts. It is beautiful to watch. Just a couple days before we returned, the youth gathered at the center for prayer and worship. Many of them saw angels filling the room where they worshipped. They heard angelic choruses and physically felt as if the room was crowded with God's messengers. After 3 hours of worship, they realized how late it had gotten and were shocked that time had flown by so fast. :) We are believing for even more of God's glory in 2010.
Homework Club
His Heart Ministries has begun a new outreach to teenagers. High School students are invited weekly to the center for study time and homework help. We feed them dinner, love them, and then give them an opportunity to worship and hear the Word. It is a great place for youth to invite friends and classmates who haven't encountered the love of Jesus. We are believing for a huge harvest from this time. Pray for Angela, the director, and the entire team as we invest in the lives of Baguio's teenagers. :)
Expansion of House Churches
God has spoken that 2010 is a year of expansion for His Heart. In order to prepare for His big plans, we will be training 7 new house church leaders next week. These ladies will carry God's power to their community and facilitate Bible studies in their native tongue. They are willing servants and we are so proud of them for stepping up to lead.
Street Church
Kent continues to minister to street boys and vendors in the city park every Wednesday. Last week, over 30 street children and teenagers joyfully worshipped in a grandstand where several of them sleep. They are a crazy bunch but truly a family, an example of loyalty for us.
Little by little, they are laying down their old habits and embracing a new life. Please continue to pray that they will be filled with hope and turn to Him.
Personal Note
Kent is doing well and currently taking 3 courses at the seminary. It is such a blessing to have the opportunity to sharpen his sword. We are enjoying high 70's and delicious strawberries in season. We are able to make friendships from around the world, share meals with other believers in our apartment, and invest in those going back to India, China, Mongolia, Myanmar, and many other nations. We know that our little seed is impacting the Kingdom in countless ways.
Thank you for all the ways you give, pray, and make it possible for us to be here. We pray the Father will heap rich blessing on you. :)
The Parrishs
GREAT to hear from you guys and we are so blessed by what the Lord is doing there. Our thoughts and prayers and part of our hearts are with you always. Thank you for going where we cannot go and for doing what we cannot do. God bless you for allowing us to be a part of this great work. Study hard, love much and keep sharing the miracles of God's love with us. (No strawberries here in Ky, only snowberries.) Jim reminds Kent Daytona 500 is tomorrow (the 14th) and did you see the superbowl? I told him you are involved with far more important work. Right????
hahahaha.....well kent wanted to watch but we cant get access to espn so no, no superbowl.
had a nice dinner for V day!!
love and miss you.......
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