Wow! It has been a BUSY summer. We are just now settling down to reflect on all God has done. Growth, miracles, joy, and challenge would describe our lives and ministry over the last three months.
As you know, our baby daughter Chloe came into the world on May 27th. She is our miracle and a bright light in our lives. Thank you to each and every one of you who have prayed and sent support for our family. The Lord has a beautiful plan for her life and we are so privileged to have her.
We are seeing revival among the teenage young people . Since hosting a youth camp in April, the numbers of teens attending our 2 weekly youth programs have literally DOUBLED. They are coming with hungry hearts and worship with such passion. We are humbled and inspired by who they are and what they are overcoming.
Feeding Programs
His Heart has begun another daily feeding program in a neighboring area. Malnourished children are served a hot meal everyday. Once a week, they are fed spiritually through an after school kids church that is ministering to over 100 elementary students. His Heart is now serving about 900 hot meals a week through its various programs. The doors are open for ministry here and we are taking every opportunity to plant seeds in their lives.
We love to see people dedicate their lives to the Lord and be water baptized. This weekend was no exception. 30 people testified of his goodness and were baptized outside on a cold rainy Sunday. We know this is the beginning of a new life for them and their families! Thank you for praying and sending us to share His love.
Our Future Plans
It is hard to believe that we have been in Baguio three years now. It seems like just yesterday that we were saying our goodbyes and praying for the Lord's guiding hand. It has been a life changing experience to serve here. Thank you for making it possible. We are eternally grateful.
We are in the process of getting a US passport for Chloe and tying up lose ends with the ministry. Kent will graduate with his Masters of Divinity in September and we anticipate being back in the states this fall for a while. This is definitely not the end of missions for us but we are looking forward to coming back to see family and share all that God has done. We are trying to save money for plane tickets now. If the Lord leads you to help with this, you can direct all funds to Bob Parrish. Email us for the address and more details.
It is a joy serving as your missionaries to the Filipino people. Because of you, countless lives are changed. Know that we pray for you and are excited to see you back stateside.
Love and blessings from Baguio,
Paige, Kent, and Chloe Parrish
1 comment:
Love this report you guys. You are going to be so so so missed. You have poured in and had an enormous impact in the hearts of so many people here. Because of your willingness to do whatever it takes, many have come to Jesus. Praying for your next steps as you look ahead. Love you millions
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