Laundry time- Don't we all love it?
Filipinos call this time of year the "bers" (September, October, November, etc.). Some of the stores are playing Christmas music already.....its so funny. It's hard to believe that we will be back in Louisville in 8 weeks. The flight comes in Dec. 6th. We will be in for about a month. Kent and I are looking forward to seeing everyone and having some Cracker Barrell home cookin'.
We will finish up a three week block course this Monday. The final should be so much fun.....18 essays and fill in the blank. We are in the middle of missions emphasis week at APTS......services at night and an international banquet on Friday. The Americans are making apple pies as we speak. I'm a little under the weather with a sinus infection, so I bailed out of that one. :)
Ministry has been eventful the last couple of weeks.....took someone to the emergency room, treated the kids living in the park to Mcdo (That's what they call Mcdonalds here), a couple typhoons, the usual services, feeding program, and house church. Organ harvesting is an issue here. People take advantage of the poor and pose as doctors for the sake of selling organs such as kidneys. We encountered a situation with some of the children we minister to this week. All are ok but please pray for their safety and wisdom to know danger when they see it .
Angela, our friend and founder of the ministry, lost a 7 week old niece last week. She was in New Zealand at the time and was able to be there with her brother and sister in law. Thank you for your prayers for the family.
Just a tid bit about daily life: Some have asked how much things cost here. Some items are very expensive, especially American or other foreign products. A very small box of American cereal is 4 dollars. On the other hand, I got a week's worth of amoxicilin antibiotic for 45 pesos (1 dollar) total. Ladies' hair cuts cost 4 dollars including tax. Milk here is super processed from New Zealand. You buy it on the shelf and do not refrigerate it until it's opened. It's about $1.50 for 1 liter. You can buy fresh milk here but it would only last 2-3 days and is more expensive.
Have a great October week.
Blessings to you and we miss you.
Paige and Kent
Wow - so much going on it seems. I can't believe only 8 more weeks. It will be so nice to see you guys and hear some more stories. You look great in your pictures. Good luck with the rest of school.
Loved the pictures and info. We will pray specifically about the requests as we pray for you daily. Eight weeks will go by so quickly and it will be wonderful to see you both! Sorry to hear you have been a little under the weather. Hope you are feeling better now
Jim and Barb
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