Actually, they weren't too bad. The head is the best part....nice and crunchy. We sampled foods from many different cultures at the Missions Banquet.

I go talk to someone. 5 minutes later, I see Kent up front giving a royal Korean proclamation while the Asians take pictures. It was so funny.

This is a precious little Muslim girl that comes to the ministry's Love and Food in the park. We are showing her God's love and acceptance.
It's another Saturday. We are so glad to have our ministry partner Angela back in the Philippines. We have missed her. She had a great Kids Conference in New Zealand where they witnessed 15-20 healings from the children's prayer! God is really moving in the women's house church here on Thursdays......I am humbled to be there and be used. We are enjoying just loving people.
I will begin teaching a Character/Bible lesson in the public school next week. Thank God for such an awesome opportunity! We'll go every Monday as the government allows 30 minutes per week. The school is right in our neighborhood.
This morning, I had the privilege of attending a missionary's funeral that taught at the seminary and planted churches here. He died on campus Monday. He had such a heart and love for the Filipino people.........One of the churches he planted offered to bury him in their backyard. How beautiful it was to see the many Filipinos he had impacted! That's why missions is worth it......
Here's a quote I like:
"The 3.5 billion unreached people on earth would form a single file line that would stretch around the equator 25 times! Can you picture 25 lines of Christless people, trampling endlessly toward hell? Let that vision stay with you day and night."
- Larry Stockstill
May we all be reminded that our time here on Earth is short. May we spend every day building the Kingdom, one step at a time.
Thank you for your prayers and support. We would not be here without you.
Paige and Kent
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