Dear Family and Friends,
Happy Easter! We hope you had a beautiful day celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. The ministry has had an action packed two weeks. The children here are now on summer vacation so we are in full swing with summer programs and outreach to this precious community.
Summer Splash
We have begun a weekly program for school age children. Because of God's favor, the elementary principal is allowing us to use the community school free all summer. Children come to have tons of fun playing water games, making crafts, and soaking in the presence of God- His river. The Holy Spirit is touching these children and birthing a hunger in them for more. One little girl last week had a vision of Jesus! We are so excited for all that these little ones are becoming!
School of Champions
We have begun a second 8 week series of discipleship for the ladies. We met Good Friday to worship, learn, and thank Jesus for the incredible price he paid. The ladies were powerfully touched and experienced the Fathers love in new ways.
Purok 5 Movie
Good Friday evening was spent showing a movie on a sheet at the community basketball court. This gave us an opportunity to reach out to other families and proclaim the goodness of God. New people are being touched each month. We are always surprised what God has in store for the people of Purok 5.
Easter Sunday
We celebrated Resurrection Day with an open air service at the community basketball court. It was a special time and a blessing to sing praises to Jesus and share the Word as families listened from their mountainside homes. We are believing this will be the beginning of change for many homes here. Visitors gathered at the back of the court but eventually moved forward as they were welcomed. Several of the new men were humbled by the worship. After the service, Kent organized a Father/son basketball tournament. It was a great success and drew several new men and boys that we had never met! The ladies and girls participated in an egg decorating contest. We boiled 250 eggs to give away and decorate. The people literally treated them like gold. We actually had some decorated eggs stolen before they could even be judged! We played games and enjoyed a wonderful time as family. What a day!
Thank you for your prayer and support. Without your faithfulness, none of this would be possible.
With much Love,
Paige and Kent
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